Is coffee a drug?
My morning ritual consists of making 8 cups of it (English Toffee flavor today) along with Earl Grey tea for Margaret. I know coffee isn't truly a drug but Caffeine is. And I know pretty much, that I need it everyday. And our culture pushes it ... hard and fast. We also
push just a few others... Paxil, Viagra, Prozac, Celebrex, Vioxx, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Valium, Skelexin, Xanax, Vicodin, Ritalin, Oxycodin, Percocet... whew. Those are a few of the 'good' drugs. The ones that make you better, happier, more productive, less fat, etc.. Then there are the 'bad' drugs... Cocaine, Ecstasy,
Pot, etc.. Although, Ecstasy began as a real drug from Merck which is only a few molecules off from a few of the above 'legal drugs'. So what makes it evil? Because
Merck no longer has the patent? hmmm... A paradox for the
FDA and U.S. government if you ask me. While we waste more money on the 'war on drugs'... the war goes on... Perhaps we could learn from
a few other countries...One day, we'll learn how to deal with the sources of human problems instead of the symptoms... Don't worry yourself about it though, just
ask your dr. or
smiling Bob if they're right for you.
And here's to Kurt... 10 years later. Peace.
