I don't fight the tide...
One thing I've learned over the years, if there is a
technology trend,
fashion shift,
music revolution... you don't fight it just because you don't like it - just because you want to hang onto the 'old school' stuff - you
learn to embrace it. We as humans don't really love change all that much. However, we need to not only begin loving positive change(s), but find out how we can jump ahead of that changing curve so as to
benefit from it... if not -
we're toast.
Case in point -
HD vs.
35mm: I'm amazed at how many people in the entertainment industry fight the idea that digital is the way to go. It not only saves money and time, it increases your post-options and distribution channels. So think about it, if we all fought change, we'd still be watching broadcast channels only and listening to Coldplay on
a long, long time ago, in a land far, far away from MP3s ..