I'm Not an Ecoterrorist... Mmmkay?
I had several people email me about a story of a certain
'David Burrows' setting fire to the campus of
Brigham Young University. The 'other' Burrows was part of the 'Animal Liberation Front' or
ALF as known to those cute terrier-huggers with Camelpaks full of gasoline. Anyhow, it's funny how bad press (about someone I only happen to share a name with) gets more attention than my own press about the political conventions. I guess that's what you get when a nation spends too much time watching "COPS" and "Reno 911". I'm off to work on getting some more politically candid interviews in Dallas. Wish me luck and if you have a bic lighter and hold a grudge, stay away from those research labs...
Terrorists Erroding the good name of ALF...