Sundance = Lotto Texas?
Here it is monday and (for a monday morning) I'm totally excited about the week and the upcoming Sundance Film Festival! :-D Hey! We even 'unofficially' have a screening with Mike's
Appalachain Trail documentary monday the 24th in Park City! Then I read this NYT article...
"The Sundance Odds Get Even Longer" with some sobering stats for us filmmakers...
2,613 feature films - up 29 percent were submitted to Sundance this year
120 films - fewer than 5% - were selected for screening
10 of these movies, or 0.3% of all submissions, will be picked up for distribution within the United States
ok, which reminds me of why we decided to ambush the festival in the 1st place. With technology
so accessible and so 'inexpensive', look for more competition from the industry. The good news? I think content will only get better for audiences as they have more choices and
more ways to access their entertainment. Let the revolution begin (or continue as it appears).

"Ticket holders in line "A"! Distributors go to line "B"! Filmmakers please form a line in the back parking lot!..."