the 411 on 411...Ok.... a break from the filmmaking world to rant on the telecommunications world. When I was a kid, calling 1+411 for information was free. Yikes! and my mom STiLL wouldnt' let me call for random phone numbers in Ireland. Now, with all the connectivity and access to info, the carriers have decided to charge us at least $1.25 (some charge $3.00) per call and only give us the right number say 70% of the time. With all the calls I make every week, I use 411 on average 15 times and I usually get wrong numbers, fax numbers, other people's home numbers and yes, even disconnected numbers. Mark (my assistant and all around awesome crew guy) turned me onto google search. It's free and all you have to do is text
46645 with the listing name, city and state and WA-LA! you get a number, address and if your cell phone is
GSM enabled DISTANCE to said listing ... all just moments later! No more rude woman in Hoboken, Jersey attempting to look up
Dickey's BBQ in Uptown anymore! :-D

"No... I don't have a listing for Ima Bittich.. and why are you laughing?"