Cool, I have Paris Hilton's Address Book...along with 235,998 other people. Someone apparently hi-jacked her
T-Mobil Sidekick's info stored on the telecommunication company's servers and posted it for all the world to see. Ashlee Simpson, Russel Simmons,
Christina Aguilera, Fred Durst, Mark Cuban, Seth Green and even Fergie's phone numbers and emails were posted on dozens of websites along with personal text msgs and
photos (some nude of course). Something to think about next time you send yourself a text msg with passcodes, flight details, bank info and such. Its no longer just your private info once you hit 'send'. Talk about a
little-black-book emergency! Ah, but this is Paris we're talking about, so somehow this will all turn into a
postive event I'm sure...

Pick up dry cleaning/Melrose
Call Maroon5
Ashley margolis 3236467883 producer mary pallon
Peter lopez will black eye pees rob b
Nicky hilton private plane to vegas
Ken baker at us in town party at sagamore on friday. Steve madden shooot. Break in 323 3596970 -------- 1347 922 1456 naomi Do you wanna leave soon, ill pretend I hsve 2 go pee and u wait 3 mins than come by yourself to the back entrance
((yes, actual text msgs))