"Dinner for Five" or four, or eight...
Last night, I attended a dinner event at Abacus hosted by U.K. based
DinnerPoint. I had read about it in the
Financial Times. The concept is rather simple, put 4-8 professional strangers together at an upscale restaurant and discuss ... whatever. There were only 3 of us, but we had great conversation and a fun time networking and comparing circles of friends. Will Cochran & his college mate Fenner Austin (are those British names or what?) started the concept last year and now have 100s of dinner events all over the world. All you do is go to their website, create a profile, choose your top 3 cities in the world and wa-la! Each dinner event cost $20 + meals, wine, etc. So if you're stranded in Sydney, London, Tokyo, Dallas or Milan ... no worries! You've got a party of 5 waiting anxiously to meet you!

Soon... people all over the world will be eating dinner just like Jon Favreau