The Celebrity Life & Blog of DM
"When Models Attack"It could be a new Discovery channel show or maybe TLC, but this week, Naomi Campbell (once again)
'attacked her personal assistant' - with her hand and a BlackBerry (the
PDA - not the
fruit) while in Brazil. The woman was left crying and was told by Naomi not to report it. So much for that. Last year, Campbell's immigrant maid Millicent Burton went to Lenox Hill Hospital after she and Naomi got into a physical fight over "packing a suitcase in Campbell's Park Avenue apartment". Three years ago, Naomi was in court for attacking her assitant - Georgina Galanis - with a cellphone and fists.
In other news, struggling alcoholic, Joan Kennedy (Ted's Ex) was found on the streets of Boston beaten and passed out. If I was her publicist, I'd blame the incident on Naomi.

(from the BlackBerry website).... "allows you to communicate more effectively and enhance your competitive advantage..." well... ouch!
Dallas! We're Number One!... in crime that is. How on Earth can a nice, southern, Texas town be the
worst in the country for all types of crimes? And better yet, how can we do it for seven years in row? Besides Dallas residents having a 42% higher chance of being buglarized... we also have a chance of being murdered at: 1 out of 4,294! That's better than Texas Lotto! Well, here's some other categories Dallas is #1 in:
- Tanning Salons per capita
- Restaurants per capita
- Small business growth in Texas
- Top Tourist stop in Texas
- Most new HIV cases amoung minorities
- Highest price per gallon of gas
- Most building regulations
- Best collection of 20th century historic homes
- Worst Mayor ...... ..(ok, I added that myself)

"Excuse me... but did you see a gang member with a semi-automatic come by here?"
Russell Crowe... you're so Level OrangeTerrorists apparently moved airports, skyscrapers and nuclear plants to the backburner for a few months to explore what the
FBI calls… "Cultural Destabilization Plan" or (CDP) if you work there - they DIG acronyms.
Russell Crowe was an early kidnap target (as you may all remember back in 2001). And I just thought it was creative PR from his agent. Evidently, if al-Qaida can kidnap/kill enough Hollywood celebrities, they could bring the U.S. completely down. (insert scene clip from “
Team America” here). I suppose entertainment is still on the top of our export list and if you want to destroy a country, you go after their natural resources (insert
CNN Iraq war clip here). It just kinda scares me to think our natural resource – (insert clip of
Lindsey Lohan screaming about her dad here) - is the U.S. equivalent to Iran’s oil reserves.

Due to elevated threats the MPAA has raised crude & wholesale prices per scene on Vin Diesel
Oscar Mayor BeemerThis could be a really long thread about all the celebs I got to meet at the
Oscars... but I'll spare you that... so here's the
Cliff Note version.............. Mark and I arrive LA Saturday AM. Rent PT Cruiser, check into hotel, drive around and shoot b-roll. Drove along-side
Keanu Reeves backseat in a 3-series
Beemer on Sunset with a drunk girl. Yelled out window, "Hey, I interviewed you at Sundance!" we chatted briefly at a stop light. Drunk girl pulled shirt up over face & stuck bare feet out window. Shot footage at the security-clad Kodak center during set up - saw
Gary Cogill. Sunday - went to
Elton John's party - accidently sat at "Guest of
Mayor of Beverly Hills" seat. Had Sea Bass & glass of wine. Wine was very good. Had 2nd glass of wine. Live auction started, a bit buzzed - bid on
Elton's piano for $80K. Had panic attack. Sold for $120K to wealthy, big guy with a pacemaker patent. Got a hug from Elton and some dessert with Elton's face on it. Waved at Trump - he just stared. Shook
William Macy's hand. Went to the bathroom, saw Elizabeth Taylor next to a wheelchair. Stood at the urinal next to
Eddie Izzard & uncomfortable pleasantries. Went to bar - bar out of water. Got a martini instead. Stared at Sharon Osbourne since she looked kinda weird. Interviewed Tim Allen &
Kelsey Grammer (Kelsey dosent like Chris Rock). Security says "please put camera away". Ok. Got into VIP section. Video-d Elton John,
Nick Rhodes, John Taylor and got a drink for Salma Hayek. She wants a water. Bar is out of water (how can you be out of water????!) VIP section won't let me back in. Gave cup of ice to Salma across the sea of bodyguards. Taped John Waters, Christina Agulira, and Pat O'Brien. Security asks me to turn off my
camera... "um... ok". Met
Ben Kingsley - never met him before and he said "it's nice to see you again David". (oookay) Chatted with Kyle MacLaughlin while listening to & video taping the
Scissor Sisters on stage. Security takes away my camera. I get it back and head for the valet @ 2:05am.

<----- Mr. Izzard (pin stripes) contemplates leaving Elton's party early.