Russell Crowe... you're so Level OrangeTerrorists apparently moved airports, skyscrapers and nuclear plants to the backburner for a few months to explore what the
FBI calls… "Cultural Destabilization Plan" or (CDP) if you work there - they DIG acronyms.
Russell Crowe was an early kidnap target (as you may all remember back in 2001). And I just thought it was creative PR from his agent. Evidently, if al-Qaida can kidnap/kill enough Hollywood celebrities, they could bring the U.S. completely down. (insert scene clip from “
Team America” here). I suppose entertainment is still on the top of our export list and if you want to destroy a country, you go after their natural resources (insert
CNN Iraq war clip here). It just kinda scares me to think our natural resource – (insert clip of
Lindsey Lohan screaming about her dad here) - is the U.S. equivalent to Iran’s oil reserves.

Due to elevated threats the MPAA has raised crude & wholesale prices per scene on Vin Diesel