The Celebrity Life & Blog of DM
the Six Degrees of JenniferJ-lo is reportly still
depressed about Ben-A's departure and upcoming father-hood with Jen-ben - or so she told
ELLE magazine. Jen-ben reportly is having a girl with Ben-a and possibly naming her Violet, cute huh? Ok, here's how all this ties together. I saw
Ben and Jen-ben (while the press was all hot about Beniffer) kissing on the LA set of
Daredevil well after the director yelled *cut*! I mean, like a long time after, so I knew something was *up*. J-lo was recently interviewed by ELLE and now margaret's ELLE
jewerly line just got Jen-ben to wear some of their new styles for a
film and upcoming inteview with Women's Wear Daily. If all that didn't make that much sense, don't worry. I'll have a better post next time.

J-lo on ELLE while Jen-ben will be wearing ELLE
Ben-a (-) J-lo (+) Jen-ben (=) Vio-ben
Chicken-Fried GossLast night, I got a call from Angie during my bike ride to come to dinner. (it reminded me of when I was a kid and I'd be off biking and my mom would call me... anyway). It appeared a very important
person had to jet back to London and
WHAM! in 20 mins, I was to be the stand-in dinner guest! I arrived a few minutes late, but joined Angie and 5 other stylish peeps (including George's boyfriend Kenny Goss) in her wine cellar for a terrific evening of inside
gossip, drinks and the best fried chicken I've ever had this side of Tyler.
MIKE'S DOC HITS THE AMAZON!"Walking with Freedom" DVD is now available at ...yea!. We've been selling copies everyday since it launched last week and the reviews have been terrific. Comments like:
"Michael "Lion King" Daniel does a good job of letting the viewer know the struggles and emotions that a long distance hiker can and often does encounter. Recommended to anyone considering such a hike..."check it out and stay tuned for the soundtrack out later this summer! :-D

Harry Potter out of stock? Try Walking with Freedom instead!