the Six Degrees of JenniferJ-lo is reportly still
depressed about Ben-A's departure and upcoming father-hood with Jen-ben - or so she told
ELLE magazine. Jen-ben reportly is having a girl with Ben-a and possibly naming her Violet, cute huh? Ok, here's how all this ties together. I saw
Ben and Jen-ben (while the press was all hot about Beniffer) kissing on the LA set of
Daredevil well after the director yelled *cut*! I mean, like a long time after, so I knew something was *up*. J-lo was recently interviewed by ELLE and now margaret's ELLE
jewerly line just got Jen-ben to wear some of their new styles for a
film and upcoming inteview with Women's Wear Daily. If all that didn't make that much sense, don't worry. I'll have a better post next time.

J-lo on ELLE while Jen-ben will be wearing ELLE
Ben-a (-) J-lo (+) Jen-ben (=) Vio-ben