Dallas W Hotel/Residences - 95% sold out... Foreclosurers up 38% - what's up?If you listen to just 5 mins of news on tv, radio iPodcasts, wherever... you get some pretty conflicting reports. "Oil prices are at an all time high"... "Upscale realestate in Dallas is exploding"... "DFW foreclosures five times higher than two years ago"... "Here's today's bombing reports from Iraq"... "Inflation on the verge of skyrocketing"... "Investors optimistic about global economies"..."Pessimism exponentally growing about Iraq"... "43 percent of new jobs derived from the housing bubble"... so I'm on the fence about where this is all headed. But personally, I'm afraid we are headed towards a very bad economic position in 2006. Hold on to your hardhats...

$2.5mm "W" Hotel/Residences open in March 2006 in Dallas and 2008 in Atlanta.