I've Officially Had It With SBC CommunicationsThis is one of the world's most f*cked up companies I've had to deal with. I have problems with DSL monthly which takes me hours to fix each time. No longer can you speak to anyone other than people thousands of miles away in India who are clueless about anything and don't really give a shit about your problem in Texas. While I was out of town, I had our account suspended for non-payment. Fine, I called last wed from Houston and resolved the issue. TODAY - MONDAY the service was turned off. They claim it takes up to 84 *Business* hours to update their records. I told them they charged me a $75 reconnect fee and that they should take that money and invest it into some technology which would allow them to *update* their records faster... After all - They ARE a f*cking communications company. I wish there was an alternative for a phone/DSL/Long Distance package but it would appear we are screwed here in the 21st century...

Their new slogan should read