Medieval Times Worries About Self-ImageYou might wonder how a place that dresses women in low-cut costumes, serves beer in little paper cups and encourages patrons to call staff ‘winches’ could possibly worry about it’s
Medieval Times apparently has hit the 21st century. It appears insecurity, political correctness or just perhaps the marketing director has PMS – but they canceled their appearance to be on our television show. I called several times to their marketing people (totally bewildered after a few calls went unanswered) and finally got the local marketing/community relations person. She was cool and aloof (like when your girlfriend breaks up with you and tells you ‘never to call her again’ kinda cool). “But why wouldn’t M.T. want to be featured on TV?” I pleaded with her. “We’re not interested in presenting ourselves in that way” she answered like someone from the White House press office. “Um, in what way?” I asked. “We’re just not interested in presenting ourselves in that way”. She says again. “I understand, but what do you mean “in that way”? (I’m still trying to figure this out.) She only repeated herself TWO MORE TIMES but the last time, I must say she switched “way” for “manner” and that almost threw me. I started to laugh and she hung up. HUNG UP on me and I was baffled. Damn these cheeky entertainment PR people are bitter . I wanted to call back, but the ex-girl-friend-stalker thing stopped me. Oh well. I suppose they thought I was going to make fun of them (which I actually was) or that we would make them look a bit cheesy in knight outfits and all (which I probably would do). I then re-read my 1st email to her and somewhat solved the question after reading my response to a “so, what is your show like” email. My answer: Well, think “Town & Country” meets “Punk’d”. Oh well… off to call Six Flags.

"Secure the castle! A camera crew is on yonder hill!"