The Celebrity Life & Blog of DM
"Get French or Die Tryin"...What the Merlot is going on over in France? The violence of U.S. gangs and films like
50 Cent's don't hold a candle to current BBC news... France: now on day
14 of burning more cars than NASCAR has done in all of history. Apparently getting a job, advancing your career and making something of yourself starts with destroying your own neighborhood first! What is up with these peeps? Perhaps they saw all the attention New Orleans recieved in terms of media, 'federal aid' (that's a new oxymoron btw) and charity funding. Maybe - since the kids in the suburubs are so bored - they thought they'd create they're own national diaster and then they could instantly have a job and be a proud citizen! I say fine. Round them up by the thousands, equip them with the tools to clean, rebuild, restore and create their own life in the French suburbs. France is going to have to provide funding for clean up anyway - and if I messed up my room at home, I always had to clean it. Maybe in this way, they can create their own culture within France and finally have a society of their own where they can be responsible and proud instead of destroying it.
"oh no... tell the valet I have a burning Peugeot, not Citron"
West Wing Flys Left Wing... NBC treaded into dangerous waters by blurring reality and fiction yet one more pixel. Tonight's episode of the "West Wing" starring hot & spicy Jimmy Smits as the latin Texas liberal - Matt Santos (that's a cool name huh?) vs. the ugly, old, grumpy white guy - Alan Alda as Arnie Vinick (that name, which should remind you of your old, polish uncle who sexually molested you at age 5 at the family picnic). The only thing NBC's
"please watch us! We're cooler than the Comedy Channel - really!" attempt did tonight was galvanize the red and blue states deeper into their out-dated ideals while taking a shot at gathering as many Cheeto-eating couch potatos for the liberal side it can for '08. Believe me! I'm open-minded when it comes to creative programming and I'm not even a hard-core Republican anymore (see my future post about being a libertarian), but I think tonight's broadcast is both irresponsible as well as unethical. NBC should be ashamed of its over-the-top attempt at dismantling the current administration in a very slick, contrived and unfair manner. Shame on you NBC... shame. At this rate anyhow, Jimmy Smits appears to be the Democratic frontrunner for '08.

"Hola! Two burritos in every pot!"
Be Careful What You Post on the Web...I got into a discussion on a Yahoo! property about the
French riots today. After posting some info in regards to the
amount of Muslims in the world (just over 1 billion) and hypothectically saying that 5% *could* be considered
'radical Islamists' which would equal 50,000,000 (fifty million) people with a radical, violent tendency towards the world... I was
denied service for several hours to all of Yahoo! services. So, where in the world are we headed in terms of
freedom of speech and growing violence? I predict (and rather quickly) we are headed in two very unwelcome directions...
I Hate Daylight Savings Time Change...And Who the "F" thought
this up? I've missed going for my bike ride 4 days in a row since sundown comes one minute earlier each day and then *bam* now its dark by 5:15pm. Can't we just leave the clocks on "summertime" all year? Mother nature has her own way of making it darker and lighter throughout the year as it is - but as we mess with everything else from DNA to clouds, I suppose we have to feel we 'control' time somehow. Next year, at least I get 4 extra weeks of daylight - so I'm making my workout schedule now.

BRIGHT IDEA.........
DoE estimated DST could save the U.S. as much as 300,000 barrels of oil per month - that's a lot of 60w bulbs not turned on