"Get French or Die Tryin"...What the Merlot is going on over in France? The violence of U.S. gangs and films like
50 Cent's don't hold a candle to current BBC news... France: now on day
14 of burning more cars than NASCAR has done in all of history. Apparently getting a job, advancing your career and making something of yourself starts with destroying your own neighborhood first! What is up with these peeps? Perhaps they saw all the attention New Orleans recieved in terms of media, 'federal aid' (that's a new oxymoron btw) and charity funding. Maybe - since the kids in the suburubs are so bored - they thought they'd create they're own national diaster and then they could instantly have a job and be a proud citizen! I say fine. Round them up by the thousands, equip them with the tools to clean, rebuild, restore and create their own life in the French suburbs. France is going to have to provide funding for clean up anyway - and if I messed up my room at home, I always had to clean it. Maybe in this way, they can create their own culture within France and finally have a society of their own where they can be responsible and proud instead of destroying it.
"oh no... tell the valet I have a burning Peugeot, not Citron"