A KENNEDY SHOOTING IN WASHINGTON D.C.!!Well... it was actually a video shoot on the red carpet during the lifetime achievment awards at he Kennedy Center... sorry for being all National Enquirer there. Last Sunday morning (at 2:00AM actually) I finalized last min. flight plans to Reagan National for a 6:00AM flight. ugh... no sleep and no charged camera batteries. But all worked out, besides, D.C. is a great city to visit - anytime. and the opportunity to hit the red carpet to snag interviews with Robert Redford, Tina Turner, Queen Latifa, Tony Bennet, Bo Derek and even Kid Rock should never be missed. I arrived too late to get press passes, so naturally I do what any other professional would do -
panic. I asked a nearby
Secret Service agent for help and amazingly, he did. We walked up the red carpet, past all the tight security and then backstage! I told them thanks but I'm sure
CBS did not want me and my camera on-stage... I was then escorted out and placed towards the front on the red carpet right between CNN and ExtraTV... rock on! Angie showed up shortly thereafter looking fabulous and the interviews went pretty fast. here are the highlights>>>>>>> Sen. Kerry came by but wouldnt do interviews (he just smiled and kept buttoning and unbuttoning his jacket).. Bush and Laura snuck in through the underground tunnel. .. Oprah (who used the phrase "cool-ass" like 9 times) ,
Robert Redford (who looked tense and uncomfortable),
Tony Bennett (relaxed and happy with some very old, expensive scotch on his breath), Queen Latifah (who kept staying and talking and spinning around - she won the 'most fun award'), Mary Louise-Parker (who is hot and very nice),
Tina Turner who looks as great as she did 20 years ago, Bo Derek who looked better 20 years ago and best of all...
Kid Rock (who was looking for the bar so I pointed him in the direction of Tony Bennett).
Kennedy Awards airs on CBS DEC 27th and the interviews we shot airs on
Grin & Barrett in two weeks - Sunday 11:30am on NBC/KXAS.

Welcome to the Whitehouse. Hey! Wanna see my new XBOX 360?