Mexicans and chipsI'm all about a tasty, salted
chip with salsa... but hold on... today on Fox News,
VeriChip's Chairman announced a proposal to
tag Mexican immigrant workers with a microchip embedded under their skin... all because we need to
"know who is in our country and why they are here". Oh great. My SUV already has one of the
devilish devices for tollways and airports. Also, Harley and Baily (our two dogs) have implanted
chips as well. (talk about your
mark of the beast) Technically, the government could use remote sensors to better know where my dogs and car are at any one moment. Imagine once we all have to have one of those.. That will be the end of freedom in America. and perhaps move us towards the
end of other things as well. Now is the time to stop this.................................................................................................. You can voice your disdain against pending legislature of the
National ID act here.
"Yes Mr. President. We've tracked DM, his Landrover, the jack russell and the black lab to a 7-11 in North Dallas where they have purchased a 12-pack of Miller Light and a bag of Beggin Strips"