Brian Loncar Stole My Turkey Sandwich
Which is fine with me since I had an extra BLT I ordered for our crew... this happened at MPS Studios today. Taking a quick lunch break from shooting with a new client, Brian came by and saw the extra bag from Jason's Deli on the counter. "
Can I have this?", he asked in a very legal tone.
"Uh... " , I thought about objecting.. "I need it, I'm going to physical therapy now."... he adds. Wow, how do you say 'no' to someone in pain and hunger? His opening and closing arguments completed in less than 30-seconds, I gave in ... I also gave him my Fzzz! Media biz card. "You get this with the sandwich." I told him... he looked surprised as if the judge just added an extra 6-months of probation for his client...
for there is no free lunch Brian, no. Not even for the Strong Arm.