The Celebrity Life & Blog of DM
Henry CisnerosThis past weekend, Margaret, Stewart, his wife and myself met with Henry in San Antonio to speak with him about our education foundation,
'Perfect Attendance'. I was amazed at how professional and well-spoken he was. As we sat-up in a small downtown hotel room and recorded a seamless motivational piece from him aimed at high school students, I couldn't help but think about what he's gone through in politics and his personal life. It was just days after the U.S. Congress had voted to finally drop the 10-year,
$21 million investigation on him while he headed H.U.D. (housing urban development) for Clinton. Many people think the prolonged inquiry was to hold him back from running for something higher. Thinking about that and hearing him talk about overcoming adversity at all levels, I felt I could take on anything. I hope he interacts with the project more as we move forward this next school year.

The world definitely needs more Mr. Cisneros'.
When Teachers Attack...
Just when you think schools
may be a tad bit safer... along comes something like
this where a teacher violently attacks another teacher in front of a classroom. Yes, now I'm sure ABC News or 20/20 will do a story about how
"teachers may be the new terror in the classroom" (right after the most dangerous SUV segment). In any case, this teacher did more to destroy any good role-modeling than a 6-week series of non-stop, 50-cent music videos on MTV ever could.
(from the Dallas Morning News) Last friday at the William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted (and now totally freaked out)... Paulette Baines (teacher) yanked Mary Oliver (the other teacher) out of her chair and dragged her across the floor, punching her in the face several times. She also kicked her repeatedly..." Oh, and Billy, put away that GameBoy now! I mean it!

... not just a cartoon any more
Reasons it should be legal to Taser people…I’m pushing for new legislation to allow us ordinary citizens the right to Taser people who commit these acts:
- People who run stop signs then honk at YOU like its your fault (you would have the right to chase them down, issue a ticket and then Taser them)
- Anyone who takes your parking space at the mall (while watching you wait patiently with your turn signal on)
- People inside the theater who talk on their cell phones… those doing this during the previews can be tasered up to 3 times in a row or until your Taser battery runs down.
- Shoppers with more than 25 items, tons of coupons and a check to write over the amount … in the “cash or 15 or less items” line. You may also let those behind you Taser this person as well.
- That same person outside of 7-11 everyday who claims they’ve just run out of gas, they’re from out of town and need your money
- Dog owners who let their pets crap in your yard next to the sign (“Please Keep Pets off Lawn”). If the dog barks and or growls, you may Taser it to.
- People who blame their mistakes on you
- Anyone that has a child on one of those ‘kid leash’ cords