The Celebrity Life & Blog of DM
Reality TV is exhausting In
The Real World would anyone actually say,
"I Want To Be A Hilton"? I mean, really? The
Fear Factor is that there are quite a few
Jackasses out there looking for
Fame that need
Extreme Makeovers, or be told
What Not To Wear or perhaps should look at just
Starting Over. Do they do it For
Love Or Money? Well, I think
The Benefactors of Reality TV are the networks, which are
Cheaters by saving tons of money on production costs and producing shows that don’t really make
The Cut. They are the real
Survivors while the viewers are
The Biggest Losers. The
Unsolved Mystery is why all this crazy
Strange Love for reality crap TV exists. It makes this
Average Joe feel pretty
Punk’d and want to leave my
Sheer Dallas digs and jump on my
American Chopper, break all the
Road Rules and head out to
Laguna Beach for
The Simple Life.
Viva La Bam,
and the Jacko Breaking News Winners are...I was surprised who sent out the "Jackson Gets Off" (please people, no more jokes) 'Breaking News' emails 1st. Here they are in the order of arrival to my Yahoo! email addy:
CNN - always (almost always) first on the email / text msg news blitz thing.
AUSTIN AMERICAN STATESMAN - huh? An Austin paper?? "Jackson Found Not Guilty" Yep. AND it was in color.
DALLAS MORNING NEWS - which wrote the longest tabloid-style explanation (maybe that's why they came in 3rd) ..." a jury has acquitted Michael Jackson of molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor at his Neverland ranch, vindicating the pop star who insisted he was the victim of mother-and-son con artists and a prosecutor with a vendetta"
VARIETY - come on guys! You're in the 'entertainment news' biz! Get with it!
NEW YORK POST - 5th place?? I'm sure all the reporters were on lunch break or watching the Olsen Twins share a birthday dessert across the street.
(6) My friend
Juan who is actually in the news biz... (btw: He almost beat the NY Post!) way to go Juan!
WASHINGTON POST - Come on folks! It's 5:57PM you idiots! That simply can't be called "breaking news". These guys need another 'deep throat' - I'll tell Juan (see #6).
Sources I expected to hear from but did not:
BBC - "we're sorry but our email server is down". and adding... "We apologise for the inconvenience but it is an essential piece of work and we will do our best to get it completed as soon as possible." Damn those Brits are so
nice and polite!
MTV - I'm sure they are totally busy on some new reality show which has nothing to do with music OR music news. :-P
Hugh Hefner says "I Love Spaceballs!"At least that's the one and only thing he said to me at the
AFI awards show honoring George Lucas Thursday night. Hugh sat next to Angie's table with his 9 bunnies (yes NINE - all looking rather hot and one dressed as Princess Leah …ugh ). He drank several glasses of Pepsi with what looked to be laden with scotch, which was frequently added to by a friendly waiter. The whole Kodak Theater was transformed into a Lucas Love Fest with giant hanging Star Wars fighter jets to Chewbacca roaming among the tables and making that 'arrrghhhhh' noise (this annoyed one of the Playmates 'to death' or so she said). The highlite of the evening was a somewhat 'toasted' Carrie Fisher who said things like -
"Hi. I am Mrs. Han Solo and I am an alcoholic because George Lucas ruined by life... George Lucas is a sadist, but like any other young girl in a metal suit chained to a metal creature, I keep coming back for more." Then she told Lucas,
"I hope I slept with you to get that job, because if not, who the hell was that guy."Everyone was having fun and somewhat roasting Mr. Lucas until Harrison Ford arrived on stage. He just seemed to have a giant stick up his butt. Nothing was happy, good, well meaning, etc. Life sucked and he wanted to suck any and all life out of every person’s soul at the Kodak theater that night. R2D2’s remote fucked up on stage and he was stationary for 15 mins as CP30 kinda freaked out and the crew scrambled to find out what happened. “Did anyone put in a new fucking battery?” I overheard one crewmember ask off stage. All in all, the night was fun and I even got to hang with Dallas' own Playmate, Amber Campisi at the after-party upstairs. I also watched from 20 feet away as Spielberg and Lucas toasted drinks of something with vodka in it. I desperately tried to make out what they were talking about... I did not however, desperately try to make out with Amber.

the Lucas Love Fest and legendary hair will be on USA Networks JUNE 20th
WAY TO GO TEXAS LEGISLATORS!Let's hear it for those Austin guys in drab suits from the Men's Warehouse! Not only did they kill any creative education financing, they also stripped Texas from offering any cool tax incentives to the filmmaking & television industry! YEE-HAAAW! Each and every state surrounding us has various forms of incentive packages for entertainment production (which by the way brings in tens of millions of dollars to those economies) but Texas is one of the LAST states to offer - nothing. Even the 'tiny' $20mil bill which was submitted would have been a start (no tax on production vehicles rent/lease, hotel rooms and other sales tax incentives would have been an INVESTMENT to TX) ... So, congratulations to the politicians in Austin for accomplishing nothing this session! You guys rock!!
Dunnam Honored As Top Legislator 
KWTX news: "Rep. Jim Dunnam (D-Waco) helped craft an education plan, which supporters said *would* have added $5.2 billion to Texas public schools while reducing property taxes for most Texans..."
ahh... thanks Jim, it's the thought that counts