The Celebrity Life & Blog of DM
Cool, I have Paris Hilton's Address Book...along with 235,998 other people. Someone apparently hi-jacked her
T-Mobil Sidekick's info stored on the telecommunication company's servers and posted it for all the world to see. Ashlee Simpson, Russel Simmons,
Christina Aguilera, Fred Durst, Mark Cuban, Seth Green and even Fergie's phone numbers and emails were posted on dozens of websites along with personal text msgs and
photos (some nude of course). Something to think about next time you send yourself a text msg with passcodes, flight details, bank info and such. Its no longer just your private info once you hit 'send'. Talk about a
little-black-book emergency! Ah, but this is Paris we're talking about, so somehow this will all turn into a
postive event I'm sure...

Pick up dry cleaning/Melrose
Call Maroon5
Ashley margolis 3236467883 producer mary pallon
Peter lopez will black eye pees rob b
Nicky hilton private plane to vegas
Ken baker at us in town party at sagamore on friday. Steve madden shooot. Break in 323 3596970 -------- 1347 922 1456 naomi Do you wanna leave soon, ill pretend I hsve 2 go pee and u wait 3 mins than come by yourself to the back entrance
((yes, actual text msgs))
"Dinner for Five" or four, or eight...
Last night, I attended a dinner event at Abacus hosted by U.K. based
DinnerPoint. I had read about it in the
Financial Times. The concept is rather simple, put 4-8 professional strangers together at an upscale restaurant and discuss ... whatever. There were only 3 of us, but we had great conversation and a fun time networking and comparing circles of friends. Will Cochran & his college mate Fenner Austin (are those British names or what?) started the concept last year and now have 100s of dinner events all over the world. All you do is go to their website, create a profile, choose your top 3 cities in the world and wa-la! Each dinner event cost $20 + meals, wine, etc. So if you're stranded in Sydney, London, Tokyo, Dallas or Milan ... no worries! You've got a party of 5 waiting anxiously to meet you!

Soon... people all over the world will be eating dinner just like Jon Favreau
A new book is published every 30 mins...That makes
over 175,000 books a year that get printed and into some form of distribution. And I thought
filmmaking was competetive? With more people seeking visual forms of entertainment and less of us actually reading, novelists out there must really strive to get noticed and published. Ron McLarty (
a successful character actor) even had a tough time getting his 1st book - "Memory of Running" published... over 11 years of rejection letters to be exact! SO don't ever give up. ok Ron, I'm going to do my part and pick up a
new book this weekend.
the 411 on 411...Ok.... a break from the filmmaking world to rant on the telecommunications world. When I was a kid, calling 1+411 for information was free. Yikes! and my mom STiLL wouldnt' let me call for random phone numbers in Ireland. Now, with all the connectivity and access to info, the carriers have decided to charge us at least $1.25 (some charge $3.00) per call and only give us the right number say 70% of the time. With all the calls I make every week, I use 411 on average 15 times and I usually get wrong numbers, fax numbers, other people's home numbers and yes, even disconnected numbers. Mark (my assistant and all around awesome crew guy) turned me onto google search. It's free and all you have to do is text
46645 with the listing name, city and state and WA-LA! you get a number, address and if your cell phone is
GSM enabled DISTANCE to said listing ... all just moments later! No more rude woman in Hoboken, Jersey attempting to look up
Dickey's BBQ in Uptown anymore! :-D

"No... I don't have a listing for Ima Bittich.. and why are you laughing?"
New York City, Lagerfeld vs. Kidman
So, we're in NYC for the
amfAR event - where we caught Richard Gere, Kenneth Cole, Gina Gershon and the new and beautiful
Lynn Collins (who is in the new "Merchant of Venice" flick and is also from Texas). Angie made a scene on the Red Carpet as she knew more people to get an air-kiss from than
Extra's Tanika Ray. On the street the next day,
Karl Lagerfeld was roaming about with his fashion posse and cameras to block traffic and shoot for an upcoming CHANEL ad. Angie promptly stopped by the designer by saying "I have one of everything you've ever made". He turned around immediately with a smile and gave an interview. He only had great things to say about Nicole Kidman (don't believe
all the U.K. press about him saying she wears "bizarre body makeup". Ok now off to the fashion tent at Byrant Park for more drama....

iPod... therefore I am.
Blogs are a lot of work...
I had planned on writing updates from Sundance, but with no wireless connection and holding down three jobs while we were there (mike's screening event, hosting for the
Canadian show and shooting for the
Dallas show) - well, just staying awake was a feat. PBS has expressed another interest in the Appalachian project as Mike was able to 'sneak' into a panel discussion on documentaries where he did a bang-up-job-pitch according to PBS. (way to go Mike). We also heard from the
BBC and they're using some of Mike's footage in their "Naughty Outtakes" show in London... those crazy Brits! There were more celebs at this year's festival than you could shake a
$50K Motorola gift bag at. Walking down the sidewalk we overheard as two people were reunited. "Hey! Kevin! It's me Sandra! We were on
Babylon 5 together! Season 3!" much like you'd hear a friend proclaim. "Hey! Steve! It's me Eric!
Dartmouth business school '95!" ah, and the agents, producers, etc. They were all there looking tense and intense in their black sweaters, on their cell phones and running over everyone by way of foot traffic and SUVs while overusing the "F" word... I'm always ready to leave Sundance, but I soon miss. I think we had some great success while there on all three projects.. more to come and here's to actually getting into the festival next year. :D
The cast from Mark Cuban & Todd Wagner's 2929 - "the Jacket". Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley & Jennifer Jason Leigh.